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Chinese using Quebec as gateway to Canada

Published: | 4 Apr at 6 PM |
Thousands of Chinese people are looking at the Canadian province of Quebec as a gateway into the North American country, according to the Associated Press.
People in China who are desperate to emigrate have found a backdoor into Canada which involves applying for visas into Quebec, the country’s French-speaking province, as long as they can prove they have a reasonable understanding of the local language.
So while studying French as a foreign language in other parts of the world may be less fashionable these days, many Chinese are dedicating hours upon end to learning it in order to help their future prospects.
Despite China’s growing clout and prosperity, more and more people from the country are heading to the exits, keen to offer their children a better education and escape the long-standing problems, including contaminated food and hazardous pollution.
Canada joins Australia and the United States as their most favoured destinations. However, many governments are tightening up on emigration regulations by imposing new quotas, reducing the professions listed under the skilled-worker programmes and increasing the level of financial commitment required for the exemptions that big-time investors are granted.
That’s where Quebec becomes a greater opportunity. The province decides who is allowed entry and has no backlog of applicants or any cap like the national programme in Canada does. However, it does require the majority of immigrants to possess a working knowledge of French.
Immigration agencies in Beijing have been pushing this programme during the past year. People who take up the option have to commit to living in the province in their application, but can later take advantage of their Canadian rights and move to cities such as Vancouver or Toronto, which most people do.
People in China who are desperate to emigrate have found a backdoor into Canada which involves applying for visas into Quebec, the country’s French-speaking province, as long as they can prove they have a reasonable understanding of the local language.
So while studying French as a foreign language in other parts of the world may be less fashionable these days, many Chinese are dedicating hours upon end to learning it in order to help their future prospects.
Despite China’s growing clout and prosperity, more and more people from the country are heading to the exits, keen to offer their children a better education and escape the long-standing problems, including contaminated food and hazardous pollution.
Canada joins Australia and the United States as their most favoured destinations. However, many governments are tightening up on emigration regulations by imposing new quotas, reducing the professions listed under the skilled-worker programmes and increasing the level of financial commitment required for the exemptions that big-time investors are granted.
That’s where Quebec becomes a greater opportunity. The province decides who is allowed entry and has no backlog of applicants or any cap like the national programme in Canada does. However, it does require the majority of immigrants to possess a working knowledge of French.
Immigration agencies in Beijing have been pushing this programme during the past year. People who take up the option have to commit to living in the province in their application, but can later take advantage of their Canadian rights and move to cities such as Vancouver or Toronto, which most people do.