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US remains top choice for professionals moving abroad
7 Jun at 9 AMNews Item Link: US remains top choice for professionals moving abroad

As more people choose to move abroad in search of a better career recent research reveals that the US is still the number one destinations for those looking to relocate. Recruitment firm Hydrogen found that the second most popular country for professionals to head to was the UK with Australia taking the third spot.
It is estimated that...
Skilled migrants essential for Australian economy
24 May at 9 AMNews Item Link: Skilled migrants essential for Australian economy

The Australian government has not adjusted its expected immigration figures for the coming year. Last year the figure stood at 190,000 and the number has remained the same in this year’s Federal Budget.
The news will be welcomed by those who plan to move Down Under for work after months of rumours that the government planned to slash...
Girl with cancer given hope after moving to Australia
26 Apr at 9 AMNews Item Link: Girl with cancer given hope after moving to Australia

The mother of a 12-year-old girl who moved with her family to live in Australia six years ago has said that if they had stayed in Ayrshire in Scotland her daughter would not have been able to receive the right cancer treatment.
In February last year, Erin Griffin was told she had a brain tumour that could not be operated on. However, she...
Australia remains popular with those moving abroad
19 Apr at 9 AMNews Item Link: Australia remains popular with those moving abroad

Australia continues to top the poll of places Brits would like to move to if they upped sticks and moved abroad. A survey by visa application website GlobalVisas.com indicates that close to half of all Brits would like to emigrate, and the main reason given for this was the weather.
Although Australia came top of the poll of countries to...
British expats swap sterling for local currencies
8 Mar at 9 AMNews Item Link: British expats swap sterling for local currencies

Brits who have chosen to move abroad are swapping their savings from sterling to the local currency as the pound continues to weaken against the dollar and the euro. A recent survey by Lloyds TSB International has revealed that the number of British expats holding money in sterling has halved since September 2011 to just 13 per...
New Zealand migration loss slows
4 Jan at 9 AMNews Item Link: New Zealand migration loss slows

The number of New Zealanders moving across the Tasman to Australia dropped to its lowest level in just under two years last November, according to Statistics New Zealand. The net loss of population during the month was also slowed as more Australians travelled in the opposite direction.
After seasonal factors were taken into account,...
Majority of UK emigrants of working age
21 Dec at 9 AMNews Item Link: Majority of UK emigrants of working age

A Home Office report shows that in 2011 around 350,000 people from the UK travelled abroad with the intention of spending more than a year in another country. Of that number, 43 per cent were British citizens. The Emigration from the UK report showed that 72 per cent of those were moving to another country for work and that many were in...
Adelaide popular with British expats
30 Nov at 9 AMNews Item Link: Adelaide popular with British expats

Over the past five years around 10,000 Brits have decided to make a new home in South Australia, with many deciding to settle in Adelaide.
In 2011 there was a 10 per cent increase in the number of people moving to South Australia from the UK according to Anglo Pacific’s international migration manager, Noel Glavin. He explained that...
British families consider moving abroad for a better lifestyle
2 Nov at 9 AMNews Item Link: British families consider moving abroad for a better lifestyle

New research suggests that well over half of UK families would consider moving abroad in search of a better lifestyle. The study found that two out of every three of the respondents admitted that they would emigrate in order to escape a society that has become obsessed with celebrity, the poor weather and economic gloom.
The University of...
Sri Lankan boatpeople return home
29 Sep at 10 AMNews Item Link: Sri Lankan boatpeople return home

A second batch of Sri Lankan men departed Christmas Island on Saturday after opting to return to their homeland instead of being transferred to Nauru to wait for their asylum claims to be processed.
Immigration Minister Chris Bowen said that frequent transfers to Nauru coupled with more Sri Lankans choosing to head home is proof that...