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Pensioners moving abroad face financial difficulties
19 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Pensioners moving abroad face financial difficulties

Brits approaching retirement and planning to spend their golden years in another country are being warned to consider their financial situation carefully. The weakening of the pound and austerity measures aimed at benefits such as pensions mean many are finding their spending power dramatically reduced.
Although other countries offer the...
Nearly half of Russian students would like to move abroad
21 Jun at 9 AMNews Item Link: Nearly half of Russian students would like to move abroad

A recent survey has found that almost half of students in Russia would like to move to another country. The poll, conducted by the Levada Centre, found 22 per cent of respondents wished to move to countries outside the former Soviet states, with 70 per cent admitting that they would probably end up staying in Russia.
Residents of large...
Emigration soars among Irish young
17 May at 9 AMNews Item Link: Emigration soars among Irish young

A new study shows that the recession in Ireland is hitting younger people hardest and fuelling a growth in the number deciding to move abroad. The survey by the Economic and Social Research Institute reveals that older age groups have not been affected as much by the economic results of the property crash as younger people.
Those under the...
Pensions loophole for foreign spouses closed
10 May at 9 AMNews Item Link: Pensions loophole for foreign spouses closed

A loophole in UK law means that thousands of people living overseas are able to claim a British pension, even though they may never have even set foot in the country, according to Pensions Minister Steve Webb.
A married persons allowance worth as much as £3,500 annually can be awarded based on their spouses National Insurance...
Brits move abroad for a better quality of life
3 May at 9 AMNews Item Link: Brits move abroad for a better quality of life

A new study by Lloyds TSB International show that close to a third of British expats have made the move overseas to take advantage of better job opportunities. This is a marked increase on the 27 per cent who said the same in February last year.
Over the past 18 months the economy in the UK has remained flat with unemployment
Harrow Council tenants could be offered cash to move abroad
12 Apr at 9 AMNews Item Link: Harrow Council tenants could be offered cash to move abroad

Council tenants living in the borough of Harrow in north-west London could be offered a cash incentive if they choose move abroad. The idea is one of a number of plans being discussed as a way of freeing up much needed housing stock. Although Harrow Council has stressed that all ideas are currently only in the discussion stage, those who do...
Canada introduces new visa for young workers
22 Feb at 9 AMNews Item Link: Canada introduces new visa for young workers

The Canadian government has introduced a new visa scheme that gives young people the chance to live and work in the country before deciding whether they would like to make a more permanent move. The International Experience Class visa has been created by the merger of the International Exchange Programme and the International Youth...
Majority of UK emigrants of working age
21 Dec at 9 AMNews Item Link: Majority of UK emigrants of working age

A Home Office report shows that in 2011 around 350,000 people from the UK travelled abroad with the intention of spending more than a year in another country. Of that number, 43 per cent were British citizens. The Emigration from the UK report showed that 72 per cent of those were moving to another country for work and that many were in...
Expats generally satisfied with move to the US
14 Dec at 9 AMNews Item Link: Expats generally satisfied with move to the US

A recently published survey indicates that the majority of expats who have chosen the US as their new home are satisfied with their decision. The 2012 Expat Sentiment Survey Report was conducted by VIP Communications and found 94 per cent of those who responded were convinced they had made the correct decision to move to the US with 88 per...
Number of Bulgarians wanting to emigrate rises
5 Oct at 9 AMNews Item Link: Number of Bulgarians wanting to emigrate rises

A survey conducted last month indicates that more Bulgarians intend to emigrate. The number of people expressing an interest in leaving for good has risen by three per cent since November 2009 to 14 per cent. The research was conducted by the National Centre for Public Opinion Research.
A quarter of those between the ages of 30 and 39...