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Number of Bulgarians wanting to emigrate rises

Published: | 5 Oct at 9 AM |
A survey conducted last month indicates that more Bulgarians intend to emigrate. The number of people expressing an interest in leaving for good has risen by three per cent since November 2009 to 14 per cent. The research was conducted by the National Centre for Public Opinion Research.
A quarter of those between the ages of 30 and 39 expressed a wish to move abroad, and the same went for 22 per cent of those below the age of 29. Among the groups keenest to move away were the unemployed and university students.
There was also a three per cent increase on the number of Bulgarians saying that although they would not move away permanently they would like to spend time studying or working in another country. The figure has risen to 28 per cent compared to 25 per cent in 2009.
The wish to spend at least some time abroad was expressed by 63 per cent of citizens below the age of 29 and 40 per cent of those aged between 30 and 39. Of the respondents who claimed to be unemployed 50 per cent said they wanted to spend time abroad.
Of all the respondents, 67 per cent with children or who intend to have children said they would encourage their kids to move abroad for education purposes. Again, this was a three per cent rise on figures collected in 2009. The figure for those who said they would encourage their children to leave Bulgaria permanently rose by six per cent to 36 per cent.
A quarter of those between the ages of 30 and 39 expressed a wish to move abroad, and the same went for 22 per cent of those below the age of 29. Among the groups keenest to move away were the unemployed and university students.
There was also a three per cent increase on the number of Bulgarians saying that although they would not move away permanently they would like to spend time studying or working in another country. The figure has risen to 28 per cent compared to 25 per cent in 2009.
The wish to spend at least some time abroad was expressed by 63 per cent of citizens below the age of 29 and 40 per cent of those aged between 30 and 39. Of the respondents who claimed to be unemployed 50 per cent said they wanted to spend time abroad.
Of all the respondents, 67 per cent with children or who intend to have children said they would encourage their kids to move abroad for education purposes. Again, this was a three per cent rise on figures collected in 2009. The figure for those who said they would encourage their children to leave Bulgaria permanently rose by six per cent to 36 per cent.