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Moving Overseas News Page 5
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South African youth more optimistic over future
14 Aug at 4 PMNews Item Link: South African youth more optimistic over future

A recent survey has revealed that youths in South Africa are more hopeful that they can have successful future in the country.
The survey, which was carried out by Pondering Panda and quizzed 18,000 people, revealed that people’s biggest concern is the unemployment in the country. Some 23 per cent noted that jobs were their primary...
Wealthy Brits prepare to emigrate
7 Aug at 2 PMNews Item Link: Wealthy Brits prepare to emigrate

The first six months of 2012 has seen a number of Britain’s wealthy people transferring money overseas in preparation for quitting the country.
The deVere group, a group of advisers, says that affluent Brits feel departing the UK may be the best option for their futures. The group’s chief executive Nigel Green said that in the first...
Third of Irish graduates plan to work overseas
4 Aug at 2 PMNews Item Link: Third of Irish graduates plan to work overseas

Nearly a third of Irish students are that negative about their future career prospects in the country that they intend to emigrate for work after graduating.
Some 5,780 students were surveyed, with the results showing a severe lack of confidence in how they feel they will be able to develop their careers in the Emerald Isle. This...
Egypt allows freer entry for Palestinians
26 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Egypt allows freer entry for Palestinians

Egypt is allowing Palestinians freer temporary entry into the country in a move that eases travel restrictions that have been imposed for many years, particularly on Gazans, said Egyptian and Palestinian officials.
But the decision has led to confusion among security agencies and seemed to bring a certain level of resistance. Some officers...
UK manufacturing talent looks abroad
21 Jul at 2 PMNews Item Link: UK manufacturing talent looks abroad

British manufacturing workers have come out on top of a poll to see who is most likely to looking for employment overseas, revealed a survey by research and consultancy company Intelligence Group and jobsite Totaljobs.com.
The survey quizzed more than 7,000 British workers and discovered that out of the people interested in or seeking for...
Short term international insurance launched for expats
19 Jul at 6 PMNews Item Link: Short term international insurance launched for expats

People moving overseas to work for just a few months are now able to sign up for an international health insurance that is for less than 12 months.
Many international health insurance providers offer a 12-month minimum cover, but Bupa International has now launched an international private medical insurance (iPMII) designed specifically...
Accountants prepared to move overseas for better jobs
17 Jul at 6 PMNews Item Link: Accountants prepared to move overseas for better jobs

Six in 10 accountants currently living in Asia Pacific will be searching for new employment within the next 6-12 months, while over a quarter (27 per cent) will be looking to move immediately.
Research by job board CareersinAudit.com found that almost half of the accountants (43 per cent) preparing to move are looking to work in another...
Alarming rise in attacks for Greek immigrants
12 Jul at 9 AMNews Item Link: Alarming rise in attacks for Greek immigrants

A well-known human rights organisation has urged the new government in Greece to try and curb the “alarming” rise in attacks against African and Asian immigrants, including violent attacks by gangs on pregnant women and teenage boys.
In a hundred-page report by Human Rights Watch, the US-based organisation said that xenophobic attacks,...
New UK immigration regulations to hit Pakistanis hardest
10 Jul at 3 PMNews Item Link: New UK immigration regulations to hit Pakistanis hardest

New UK immigration rules regarding marriages with overseas residents which came into force recently shows that Pakistani residents in the country would be the hardest hit.
Every year, roughly 40,000 people arrive in Britain on spouse on marriage visas. The amount of British Pakistanis travelling to Pakistan to marry has been rising. Most...
Irish unemployment hits highest point for 18 years
8 Jul at 3 PMNews Item Link: Irish unemployment hits highest point for 18 years

Ireland’s unemployment figure has climbed to an 18-year high, revealed official data released for June.
But the figure has been somewhat kept down due to the high number of people opting to quit the country in search of better prosperity abroad. Ireland’s population is currently at 4.5 million. The Central Statistics Office revealed...