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Emigrate News Page 6
This is the category page for all Emigrate news here on movingabroad.co.uk...
Scientists make breakthrough with malaria vaccine
18 May at 3 PMNews Item Link: Scientists make breakthrough with malaria vaccine

Expats relocating to sub-Saharan African countries might be able to tick malaria off their list of things they are concerned about, as scientists have made a breakthrough in their efforts to find a vaccine against the disease, reports expariatehealthcare.com.
University of California, San Diego (UCSD) scientists have come up with a way to...
Australian employers look overseas for talent
17 May at 9 AMNews Item Link: Australian employers look overseas for talent

Recent research shows that Australian bosses are looking overseas to fill the skills gap and South Africans are among those in demand, according to the South African.
The data comes from research by the 2011 Borderless Workforce. It also indicated that foreign talent is of huge importance in the skilled manual trade and engineering...
More South African professionals considering emigrating
16 May at 6 PMNews Item Link: More South African professionals considering emigrating

A new survey of almost 6,000 South African graduate professionals reveals that many of these people are again considering emigrating, largely due to ongoing and rising crime, education and healthcare concerns, reports Engineering News.
The latest PPS Graduate Professionals Confidence Index reveals that there has been a six per cent decline...
Workers not keen on Western Australia
15 May at 11 AMNews Item Link: Workers not keen on Western Australia

Too many workers are of the opinion that Western Australia is too far away and many who do move there because of higher wages can’t get used to the heat and isolation, said Peter Collier, the Australian training and workforce development minister, reports The Australian.
As one of the country’s largest labour hire companies urged...
Expat groups can help movers settle in
14 May at 2 PMNews Item Link: Expat groups can help movers settle in

Britons planning to move overseas should consider how they intend to meet new people, advised an expert.
HiFX reported that as large numbers of emigrants make the big move into the unknown when moving overseas, there can be problems settling in if they only know a few people. InternationalLiving.com’s executive editor Jennifer Stevens...
Many holiday home owners would consider permanent relocation
11 May at 11 AMNews Item Link: Many holiday home owners would consider permanent relocation

One in three Brits who own a holiday home abroad would consider moving overseas full time. Revealed a recent survey carried out by HomeAway.co.uk.
A Place in the Sun reported that the most common reasons the site’s clients gave for permanently relocating overseas were better quality of living, a more relaxing style of life and better...
More Brits expected to emigrate to Spain
10 May at 6 PMNews Item Link: More Brits expected to emigrate to Spain

Lloyds TSB’s latest International Wealth survey has predicted that the number of UK nationals moving abroad is expected to go up during the two years ahead, with an increasing number considering Spain, reports This Is Tamworth.
The survey revealed that roughly 19 per cent of people with investments and savings over £ 250,000 are...
French election result could cause exodus
9 May at 12 PMNews Item Link: French election result could cause exodus

Francois Hollande’s victory in last weekend’s French elections will see the country undertake and new tax regime, and the expected increase in taxes could lead to more French citizens thinking about moving abroad, reports the NuWire Investor.
Further austerity measures will be introduced in France, and real estate experts in London...
Almost two thirds of expats live abroad without insurance
8 May at 6 PMNews Item Link: Almost two thirds of expats live abroad without insurance

Many expats are risking life overseas without any income or life protection insurance in place, revealed a recent customer survey.
Expatforum.com reported that while it is generally known that taking out international private medical cover is a wise investment for expats, it appears that many people who move overseas do not view purchasing...
Granny tax could drive pensioners abroad
7 May at 6 PMNews Item Link: Granny tax could drive pensioners abroad

George Osborne’s much debated ‘granny tax’, which sees pensioners’ personal tax allowances being frozen, could lead to more retirees considering a move overseas, claim a number of property experts.
As reported by aplaceinthesun.com, the latest Inland Revenue figures revealed that the Chancellor’s tax alterations will leave more...