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Emigrate News Page 9
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More Irish emigrating to New Zealand
3 Apr at 6 PMNews Item Link: More Irish emigrating to New Zealand

New Zealand is now one of the frontrunners in attracting Irish emigrants who are struggling to make a living in their homeland, according to the Irish Central.
There were 40,000 people who left Ireland in 2011, of whom almost 2,000 have settled in New Zealand and thousands more are heading the same way. However, the different generations...
New York and London to remain top cities
29 Mar at 9 AMNews Item Link: New York and London to remain top cities

New York and London will remain as the world’s most important cities for wealthy individuals during the next decade, suggests research.
However, Shanghai and Beijing are viewed by high-net-worth people as the key up-and-coming cities, revealed the Citi Private Bank and Knight Frank’s Wealth Report. The research also describes the shift...
Homesickness a worldwide issue
28 Mar at 4 PMNews Item Link: Homesickness a worldwide issue

A recent poll by Gallop World has revealed that a quarter of adults in the world (1.1 billion people) want to move to another country temporarily in order to find more profitable work, revealed the Deccan Herald.
In addition, 630 million other people would take up the chance of moving overseas permanently. The desire to leaves one’s home...
Fewer Russians want to move abroad than in 1991
27 Mar at 3 PMNews Item Link: Fewer Russians want to move abroad than in 1991

The percentage of Russians that say they would like to emigrate has fallen by 50 per cent since last summer and currently is lower than it was during the final few weeks of the Soviet Union, a new poll has revealed.
Some 11 per cent of respondents informed the state-run VTsIOM organisation that they would probably prefer to remain in the...
Portable career recommended for wannabe expats
23 Mar at 3 PMNews Item Link: Portable career recommended for wannabe expats

People who want to do an international money transfer to fund a move overseas may find it much easier to relocate to another country if their career can be portable, according to HiFX News.
Those who can work from any country in the world are likely to find it a much easier experience moving overseas than individuals who have to look for...
More expat opportunities in British Virgin Islands
22 Mar at 3 PMNews Item Link: More expat opportunities in British Virgin Islands

Ernst & Young returning to the British Virgin Islands which, along with the OECD approval of the islands’ tax information agreements, may result in more job opportunities for British expatriates in law and finance in the Caribbean paradise, according to the Daily Telegraph.
Ernst & Young has set up an office in the overseas...
Australian embassy condemns website ad
15 Mar at 6 PMNews Item Link: Australian embassy condemns website ad

An online job advertisement which stated “no Irish” should apply has resulted in the Australian embassy in Ireland having to defend the country’s commitment towards diversity and racial tolerance.
The advertisement, posted on the Gumtree website, stated that a bricklayer was needed ASAP, offered a salary of $250 per day and said no...
EU chief recommends relaxing visa rules
15 Mar at 6 PMNews Item Link: EU chief recommends relaxing visa rules

Countries should be more liberal with their visa regimes in an attempt to attract a greater number of tourists and boost economic growth in the European Union, said a senior Brussels Commissioner.
The European Commissioner for tourism Antonio Tajani said that the visa policy needs to be more modern so it can attract the increasing number...
US immigration bill for Ireland stalled
13 Mar at 9 AMNews Item Link: US immigration bill for Ireland stalled

Passage of an E3 immigration bill for Ireland is being blocked by republican Senator Charles Grassley from Iowa. According to IrishCentral, hopes that Grassley will deal with members of his own party and the Democrats over the issues have faded.
There have been no major developments since Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown said the E3 bill...
Removal business booming as exodus from Ireland continues
9 Mar at 6 PMNews Item Link: Removal business booming as exodus from Ireland continues

Few businesses benefit from increasing unemployment and the impacts of a crippling recession.
However, Ireland